Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Time

Christmas eve 2010. This will be the second Christmas Nick and I have spent together and I am so wonderfully grateful to have him in my life. We are spending it in our new home this year, just the two of us. Today we will be visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins for an early Christmas dinner. I am so thankful that I have family near where I live so that we can spend the holidays together.

I have been doing a lot of soul searching as of late and am looking to make a few changes in my life. I have finnaly found a church home, as of last weekend actually. I went to the Puyallup United Methodist Church and felt more at home and welcome than I ever have in a church before. The service was wonderful, it was put on by the children. If we weren't going to see family tonight I would be attending the Christmas eve service but I will be making that church my home from now on and hopefully get involved with some of their groups and maybe a bible study.

I have started running again, only about 2 miles at a time. For those that know me, know that getting back to running has been a struggle for me and hopefully I will be able to get my time back down to somewhere reasonable for my PT test.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and where ever you are Jesus fills you with a sense of hope and peace for the coming year. Lets make 2011 better than 2010.

All my love.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip To Montana

So Nick and I went to Big Fork, MT for a week to see his youngest brother graduate. The trip was awesome and his family is really nice. I took over 600 pictures during the entire time!! I really didn't want to leave and come back to Washington but life must go on and we like having steady paychecks lol. So I've added a few pictures to highlight our trip. Enjoy!

Friday, May 28, 2010

My First Blog

Hi, and welcome! I figured I'd start a blog with the intentions for my family and friends to be able to read about my life. I figured I could use this space to talk about many things, to include what I'm reading, my hobbies, opinions and things I experience from day to day. If you're on board, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
