So on to this heat issue. Most homes on the western side of WA don't come with AC, more specifically older homes and almost all apartments are void of this perk. It traditionally only gets hot here for a few weeks or so and then it's back down to bearable levels but this Texas girl still thinks that AC is a necessity. All the stores that sell portable AC units are sold out now and we don't want to put one in the window of our rental. Nick and I stocked up on floor fans and have been sweating out the heat with our dogs. Well they don't sweat so much as lay on the floor, panting heavily because the only place they can really go with AC is PetCo or PetSmart.
I really wanted to sew this weekend, Betty (my 1958 Singer 404) just came back from being serviced and I wanted to really get some projects going on her. I'm waiting for a FMQ foot I ordered just for Betty, none of Veronica's (my Brother S400) feet fit Betty. Ok, ok, yes I do in fact name my sewing machines, for goodness sake I named my car Snowball and call her Snow for short, but back to my sewing dilemma. So I wanted to sew this weekend but with it being 80+ in the house I just can't focus enough to work any type of project. All the chores have gone neglected, I tried to clean some today but it just gets too hot to move. Even as I type this my eye lids are heavy, indicating it's nap time even though it's only 4pm. I love Washington summers though, even through the heat and lack of AC, the summers are amazing. It's a wonderful break from the dreary rain and a nice opportunity to get outside and do things before the weather gets nasty again. I hope your summers are in full swing too and you are keeping cool where ever you are!
Thanks for stopping by :)
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